Reconfigure Work Scope/Affected Parts Update

[About Off Logs and On Logs] [About Reconfigure Work Scope] [To Define Work Scope]


Use this tab to view or update affected parts. These are the parts that are affected as a result of the events included in the work scope.

If a part registered as a DPF (Different Part Found) is affected by a modification event that is included in the selected work scope, this modification event will be displayed in the upper table of the tab. When you select one of these modification event records, all affected parts for the event will be displayed automatically in the lower table. Note: If the received DPF is an alternate of the expected part the lower table of the tab will not be populated with any affected part details. The event for the alternate will be added once the update of affected parts is completed. This is done by selecting the Update Affected Parts  menu option.

The Removed from Work Scope check box can be used to identify the parts that have been updated to the work scope along with the reason the event is listed.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Maintenance Events, variant MRO


Update Affected Serials for Existing Events