Archiving of Operational Loggings

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Use this window to archive operational log history that is no longer needed for the daily work to be performed but still needs to be kept in the application for documentation purposes. This window will also give you an overview of what has previously been archived and the number of historical loggings that have been moved.

If the amount of historical operational loggings become very large, this can result in performance issues when entering operational loggings. The reason for this is that for each new operational logging that is entered, it requires more and more time to update the history with new loggings. This slows down the operational logging process as well as other transactions which uses historical operational loggings in the application. To solve the problem with very large amounts of data, historical operational loggings can be moved to an archive.

It is recommended to perform archiving on regular basis. The reason for this is that the archiving process will go much quicker if archiving regularly and if data need to be restored, this process will be faster as well.

Be aware that if you archive historical operational loggings too close to the current date, this can cause performance issues for several transactions in the application since lookups need to be performed against the archived data instead of the operational log history. We therefore recommend to keep at least one year of historical operational loggings in the operational log history.

If historical operational loggings have been moved to the archive too recently, several operations may be prevented in the application:

If you are prevented from completing an operation but still needs to perform it, the archived data must to be restored up until the date of the operation to be able to complete.

From this window, it will also be possible to restore previously archived data. Restore of archived data can typically be useful when something has incorrectly been archived, or when an asynchronous transaction was forgotten prior to the previous archiving. When a restore is performed, the archived data will be moved back to the operational logging history again.

If the archiving process, for some unforeseen reason gets into a hang situation (remains in status In Progress too long), we have a menu option End Archiving Process to guide the user out of this situation and to set the process to status Failed. When running this menu option in a hang situation, the following message will be displayed and should be followed: Contact system administrator to manually stop the background job Serial_Oper_Log_Util_API.Archive_. It might be necessary to kill the database session that started the archive job.

Activity Diagrams

Archive Historical Operational Loggings


Archive Operational Loggings
Restore Archived Operational Loggings