Serial Order History/Task Cards/Resources

[About Work Order] [About Historical Data] [To Prepare Line Maintenance] [To Dispatch Asset and Close Maintenance Visit] [To Perform Maintenance Engineering]


Use this tab to view information on the resources for which time was reported (either on the corresponding work task or when performing quick reporting on an event). When the work task or maintenance order is finished, resources with reported time and costs will be transferred and shown in this tab. If there are additional resource demands for which time has been reported, this information will also be transferred. Reported time and cost is summarized per resource group and task card or subtask. If the work task is reopened and additional changes done on it, e.g., additional time is reported on a resource, this information will be transferred back once the task is finished.

In this tab, planned quantities and hours will be shown for resources from the task library (task card or subtask). Planned values will not be shown for any additional resources that have been reported in on the work task. This makes it easier to analyze actual utilization against planned resource requirements. The following table describes how resources are transferred to the serial order history when the work task or maintenance order is finished:

Action Transferred to Serial Order History
Time has been reported on a transferred resource demand (i.e., from the maintenance order) The corresponding resource demand line in serial order history will be updated with accumulated reported hours and costs.
A resource demand has been added to the work task and time reported A new resource demand line will be added to the serial order history with accumulated reported hours and cost. If a demand already exists for the resource ID, this demand line will be updated with accumulated reported hours and costs.
A transferred resource demand has been removed from the work task The original resource demand line will remain in serial order history with 0 reported hours and cost.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Line Maintenance Activities
Conclude Maintenance Visit
Perform Reliability Analysis


Analyze Historical Data