Modification Details/Affected Parts
Affected Parts

[About Modification Definition] [To Manage Maintenance Program] [To Manage CRO Request]


Use this tab to view, enter or modify the serial/non-serial parts that are affected by the modification. Note: The information on this tab can only be updated if the corresponding modification is in the Preliminary status. Inspections and/or terminating actions for the modification are performed on the affected parts displayed on this tab. Information on the serials that are affected by a modification can be viewed in the Affected Parts window.

If the modification leads to a part identity change on the affected serial part, the new part number can be entered on this tab. You can also update the manufacturer information registered on the serial. This is useful when, for instance, the manufacturer of the new part number is different to the manufacturer of the affected part. Furthermore, when the part identity is changed on a serial, the manufacturer's part number registered on the serial is often changed as well. This new manufacturer part number can be entered on this tab. If required, you can also enter new values for the maintenance program and maintenance group valid for the serial’s part number after the rename.

If IFS/Complex Assembly MRO is used, the description of work to be performed on each affected part is defined by using repair codes. Repair codes are defined in IFS Manufacturing. Repair codes can be associated with the affected parts of a modification in the Modification Details/Assign Repair Codes tab.

Activity Diagrams

Define modification
Define modification details 
Define modification details, MRO
Define MRO manufacturing operational data


Define Modification Part Records
Enter Affected Parts
Change Part Revision for Serial  
Set Affected Parts Complete
Set Affected Parts Not Complete