Post Maintenance Check Definition

[About Post Maintenance Check Definition] [About Task Cards and Subtasks] [To Manage Maintenance Program]


Use this window to create a post maintenance check definition. There can be several revisions defined for a post maintenance check, but only one revision can be active at a point in time.

To be able to activate and use a post maintenance check definition you need to assign parts and revisions and specify valid intervals. In addition, you can connect task cards to the definition, setup the order in which task cards are to be performed, define resource or material requirements, and enter sign off requirements.

Post maintenance check definitions can be connected to interval maintenance, convenience tasks, life limited parts, condition limits, fault functions, faults, and modifications reported against the part revision on the definition. When the maintenance event is signed off, post maintenance check events will be generated for the relevant serials based on the given intervals. The generated events will automatically receive the task cards, subtasks, resources, material, sequencing, and sign off requirements that are defined on the post maintenance check definition.

Documents can be connected to the post maintenance check definition by using the Attachments panel. When a post maintenance check definition is deleted, the connection to the document will be removed. If there is a need to delete the document itself, this must be done manually using IFS/Document Management.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Intervals for Parts, Assign Part Revisions, Part Revision Info, All PMCs, Connected Mx Event Codes, Journal.

Activity Diagrams

Define Post Maintenance Check Definitions


Create Post Maintenance Check Definition
Create New Revision of Post Maintenance Check Definition
Copy Post Maintenance Check Definition
Set Post Maintenance Check Definition Active
Set Post Maintenance Check Definition Obsolete