Copy Template Structure

[About Serial Structure Templates] [To Manage Master Configuration]


Use the Copy Template Structure assistant to copy information from one template structure to another. The template to which information is to be copied must be in the Preliminary status. This assistant consists of two steps.

Use the first step to select the part number, part revision and structure position of the template from which information is to be copied and to specify which information should be copied. You have the option of copying existing structure position values to your template structure or to generate new structure positions. However, if structure dependencies are required to be copied to the template structure, you must copy the existing structure positions. (Structure dependencies can be copied by selecting the Position Alternates and Template Alternates check boxes.)

Use the second step to copy alternates that are introduced through a modification for the selected template structure. The modification revisions listed here contain template alternates and/or position alternates that are 'modification-introduced' for the template structure from which data is to be copied. Select the modification revisions to which the alternates for the selected template are to be copied. When you click Finish, the following will occur:

Activity Diagrams

Define Template Structure


Copy Template Structure