Reconfigure Work Scope

[About Reconfigure Work Scope] [About Off Logs and On Logs] [To Prepare Line Maintenance] [To Scope Maintenance Visit] [To Define Work Scope]


Use this window to reconfigure a running work scope. This is the work scope created for your overhaul object's (e.g., aircraft engine) shop visit. Once the interim order structure is released, all complex assembly work orders generated for serials in Fleet and Asset Management can be queried for in this window.

The work scope will retain information on the serials located in the overhaul object's structure. This includes the serials that were added to the structure at a later stage of the visit through a different part found scenario (DPF scenario).

Select the right mouse button option On Condition Modification - Report to open the report that will list all on-condition modifications that are missing in the work scope. On-Exposure, On-Repair and On-Scrap modifications for the overhauled object's structure are defined in the customer's modification baseline. The report will list the following if the modification is not yet included in the work scope:

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: LLPs, Modification, Affected Parts Update, Actual Off Log, Superfluous Mx Events, Map Serial Numbers, Expected Off Log, Expected On Log.

Activity Diagram

Plan Maintenance Events, variant MRO
Perform Due Calculations 


Verify Off Log Structure
Evaluate and Add LLP Events to Work Scope
Evaluate and Add Modification Events to Work Scope
Remove Superfluous Events
Perform Due Calculation for LLP Events
Perform Due Calculation for Modification Events