Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Cards
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Exec. Logic Structure/Task Cards

[About Maintenance Order] [About Pending Maintenance Event] [About Work Order] [To Prepare Maintenance Visit] [To Execute Maintenance Visit]


Use the Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Cards tab to view or enter task cards for the maintenance event you have selected in the graphical object structure. When a maintenance order is set to the Under Preparation status, predefined task cards will be connected to all assigned events and these events will receive the same status as the maintenance order. However, if predefined task cards are lacking for one or more events, these events will be set to the Incomplete status instead. You then need to manually connect task cards to these events before they can be set to the Under Preparation status. Note that all events must be in the Under Preparation status before the maintenance order can be released. In this tab it is possible to connect predefined task cards to events in the Incomplete, Under Preparation, Released and Started status.

Use the Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Exec. Logic Structure/Task Cards tab to view information on the task cards that are connected to the structure level selected in the execution logic structure (ELS). The Predecessors and Successors menu option can be used to enter dependencies between the task cards included in an execution logic order (ELO).

A task card can be canceled by right-clicking and clicking Cancel. The belonging maintenance order must be in the Under Preparation, Released or Started status before the task card can be canceled.

Activity Diagrams

Maintenance Visit Inspection
Integrate Emergent Work


Connect Task Cards to Maintenance Events
Perform Execution Logic Structure Sequencing
Cancel Task Cards on Maintenance Event