Define Maintenance Program/Access
Maintenance Plan/Access

[About Access Control] [About Interval Based Maintenance Program] [To Manage Maintenance Program]


Use this tab to define user access for the maintenance program. This will be done by entering the access groups for the users. Access groups and the assigned users are entered in basic data. When an access group for a maintenance program is given, all the users assigned to the specific access group has access to the maintenance program. Likewise, when serials are connected to a maintenance program, only the maintenance program to which the user has been granted access will be available.

If you open this tab from the Maintenance Plan window, the information in the tab cannot be updated it will be available for informational purposes only.

The access groups for programs can be defined and deleted regardless of the status of the maintenance program. If access groups are not defined for a maintenance program, it will be available to all users.

Activity Diagrams

Define Preventive Maintenance Program


Enter or Modify an Access Group for a Maintenance Program