Template Structure Navigator

[About Serial Structure Templates] [About Serial Parts] [About Serial Part Revisions] [About Access Control] [To Manage Master Configuration] [To Design Standard Product]


Use this window and its tabs to view, build or maintain template structures.

The graphical object structure shown on this window can be used to navigate through the structure of the selected template part. Parts with underlying structures are indicated by a plus sign (+). Each part is shown as one line of text, which provides the part number, part revision, structure position, part description, part name and the part's position in the structure. You can navigate through the structure by double-clicking a part in the structure, or by right-clicking and clicking Expand on the part you want to expand. The selected part expands and the parts on the underlying level are displayed. You can use the drag-and-drop, cut-and-paste, or copy-and-paste operations in the template structure navigator to build your structure. The drag-and-drop and cut-and-paste operations are the same as they disconnect a branch from the structure and connect it to a selected branch. The copy-and-paste operation duplicates a selected item and inserts it under the selected branch.

Use the right mouse button options Hide Details and Show Details to hide or show the tabs on the right hand side. Use the right mouse button option Expand Descendents to expand all the children of the selected node in the navigator. Use the right mouse button options Set as Root and Reset Root to work on the selected structure branch in the navigator.

With the functionality for Access Control in Fleet and Asset Management you can determine the user access to the parts and serials of a template structure. The right mouse button option Spread Access Rights to Parts and Serials can be used to extend access rights to the parts and underlying serials of a template. Note that this option is only available once the template structure is set to the Active status.

For a description of the closely related window, follow the link: Serial Structure Template.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Consist Of, Where Used, Alternates, Dependencies, Manufacturers, Removed Positions, Functions, Part Access, Journal.

Activity Diagrams

Define Template Structure
Maintain Template Structure


Define Template Part
Copy a Template Structure
Import Product Structure
Activate Template Structure
Establish Access Rights For Serials
Change Catalog Number
Verify Catalog Number
Set Template Structure Obsolete