Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str.

[About Maintenance Order] [About Pending Maintenance Event] [To Prepare Line Maintenance] [To Execute Line Maintenance] [To Prepare Maintenance Visit] [To Execute Maintenance Visit] [To Dispatch Asset and Close Maintenance Visit]


Use this tab to view or maintain the events connected to the selected maintenance order. This tab is divided into two parts - the left part for the graphical object structure which shows all the maintenance events and the right part for the information holder containing information relevant to the selected node in the graphical object structure. In the graphical object structure you can:

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Event Details, Task Cards, Sign Off Req., Supply Event Info, Resources, Material Required, Demand Roll Up.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Line Maintenance Activities
Perform Simplified Maintenance Events
Maintenance Visit Inspection
Integrate Emergent Work
Complete Maintenance Event
Complete Maintenance Visit
Conclude Maintenance Visit


Set Maintenance Event to Under Preparation
Release Maintenance Event
Start Maintenance Event
Set Maintenance Event to Work Done
Reopen Maintenance Event
Finish Maintenance Event
Cancel Maintenance Event
Sign Off Maintenance Event
Verify Maintenance Event Sign Off
Reinitiate Demands
Reload Task Cards