Using Streams Panel

[Using IFS Enterprise Explorer Clients]


The Streams Panel, located in the bottom left corner of the client, is a panel that displays your new notifications which helps you react faster to important updates in your daily work in IFS Applications. The notifications are pushed from the server and you get an indication when you have new notifications in your panel by a red mark with a number showing how many new notifications there are. The panel is opened by clicking on the Streams icon, or by pressing Ctrl + F4 keys on your keyboard.

There are seven types of Streams notifications:



System Effects

Notifications are pushed from the server to the Streams panel.



Related Window Descriptions



View the Notifications

Click on the Streams icon in the bottom left corner or press Ctrl + F4 keys on your keyboard to open the Streams panel.

Figure 1: Streams icon

The seven types of notifications are indicated by different colors: Blue - Tasks, Green - Subscriptions, Orange - IFS Talk, Purple - Events, Black - Reports, Grey - Background Jobs, Red - Expiring Subscriptions.  The panel can be changed in size by dragging the splitter between the Streams panel and Shortcuts/Navigator to expand its height, or the Navigator splitter to expand its width.

Figure 2: Streams panel with its notification types

The notifications have different information depending on which type it is and what information that has been entered when creating e.g. a Task sent to you. Common for all notifications is that they contain a title, information about the change, who made the change and when, and a user picture of the person who made the change (if available), created the Task or Task Scribble.

Work with Notifications

Actions that can be performed from a notification:

If a new notification appears while you have the Streams panel open, you will get the indicator in the Streams icon and by clicking on this you will get to the top of the Streams panel if it is not already at the top otherwise it will close the panel. The new notification count will be cleared in both instances.

Figure 3: New notification in the Streams panel

When you click anywhere inside a specific notification the color of the title will change from blue to black to indicate that it has been read.

If you see the warning icon below on your Streams icon it means that there is no connection with the server and new notifications cannot be pushed, contact your system administrator if the problem persists. You can still view new notifications by opening the Streams panel.

Figure 4: No notifications will be pushed to the Streams panel, click on the icon to manually refresh the panel

Edit what you see in your Streams Panel

If you right mouse button click on a notification the context menu will open and you have the following options in it:

Figure 5: Context Menu in the Streams panel

Manage your Notifications

You can view all your received notifications in My Administration/Streams/Notifications. The notifications you have removed from the Streams panel are also shown in this page. This page is by default cleaned up once a month but this interval can be changed by your system administrator.


Figure 6: Notifications page in My Administration

From this page you can navigate to the source objects, change if the notifications should be shown as Read/Unread or Visibility in the Streams panel and perform Cleanup via the context menu:

Skype for Business Integration in the Streams Panel.

Stream notifications generated by end users e.g. ; Subscriptions, Tasks and IFS Talk notifications can show Skype for Business presence information for  that user. In order for this functionality to work you must have the Microsoft Skype for Business® /Microsoft Lync® client installed on your computer. Contact your Administrator to see whether Skype for Business integration is supported in your organization.

Figure 6: Skype for business integration, Presence Indicator and the Popup Contact Card.



Prior to Skype for Business Integration being configured ,you'll see disabled Presence Indicators in your Streams notifications. You may start the configuration by clicking on one of them. This will download and install the Microsoft Lync 2010 SDK Runtime required by the Microsoft Skype for Business Integration. Once the installation completes, the presence indicators will refresh themselves to show updated presence information. Alternatively you could manually configure Skype for business integration by downloading and installing the Microsoft Lync 2010 SDK Runtime through the add-ons page of your application instance. If you choose to do the configuration manually, you will have to restart the application for the changes to take effect.


Figure 7: Configuring Skype for Business Integration.


Configuring your Email address.

You must configure an email address in order for the email option in the streams contact panel to be enabled. Contact your administrator to configure you email address.