Using Subscriptions

[Using IFS Enterprise Explorer Clients] [Working in IFS Enterprise Explorer Pages]


You subscribe to an object when you want to keep track on important changes. A subscription is made via the context menu option or the page toolbar button “Subscription” on a single object and it is available from both detail and overview pages. The subscriptions you make are personal and you can view all the created Subscription via My Administration/Streams/Subscriptions.

The subscription dialog include the following options:


When the change you have chosen to subscribe to occurs you will get a notification sent to the Streams panel. You can view all the received notifications via My Administration/Streams/Notifications, read more in Using Streams Panel.


An IFS Applications Page with an object must be open. Due to the underlying technical structure there are certain pages where adding a subscription does not work. To help the end user the framework will disable "Subscription" context menu option and the page toolbar button in those pages.

Figure 1: Context menu with Subscription option

Clicking on “Subscription” on a page may give the following information message, this means that "Subscription" is not available on the current page due to underlying technical structure.

Figure 2: Error message when subscription is not available.

When creating a new Subscription, all the visible fields in the IFS Application page might not be be possible to subscribe to. To help the end user the Subscription dialog will list only display the subscribable fields.

System Effects

When a change has happened to an object that you have subscribed to, a notification is immediately shown in the Streams panel as they are pushed from the server.



Related Window Descriptions



Create new Subscription

Open an IFS Applications Page and select an object that you want to keep track on. Right mouse button click to open the context menu and select “Subscription” or click the "Subscription" page toolbar button or press Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard. This opens the dialog where you select one of three options of what you would like to subscribe to:

You may add a note to the subscription which is displayed in the notification sent to you once the change has happened. This can be used as a reminder on any necessary actions or other important information that is connected to the change.

The subscription is valid for 1 month as default, you can click on the link to change the valid time to 1 week, 3 months or 1 year. A special 'One-Time' notification can also be selected where you will only be notified about a change just once, and after that the subscription will be removed automatically. A reminder is sent to the Streams panel if there is an expiring subscription that you can choose to extend if needed.

You can also select an option to receive notifications on a subscriptions you make yourself. This option is turned OFF by default but can be turned ON by selecting the checkbox at the bottom of the dialog.

An additional option to send a copy of the notification to your E-mail is also given at the bottom.

Figure 3: Create new Subscriptions dialog


Figure 4: Select one field option


Figure 5: Select multiple fields option



To be able to get notifications for the subscribed object you can optionally give conditions that must be fulfilled for each subscribed field. The notification is thus only sent if the conditions are met.  You can follow the same formulas you use in the Search Dialog and Conditional Formatting Dialog to set conditions for the subscribed fields.


Once the change has happened you immediately get a notification sent to the Streams panel placed in the bottom left corner of the application. You open this by clicking on the Streams icon or pressing Ctrl + F4 on your keyboard. On the Streams notification you can read information about the change, the note, when the change happened and who made the change. You can navigate to the object by clicking the link. The Streams panel also includes more notification types from IFS Talk, Tasks and Events. More information about this is found in the documentation for Streams panel. 

Figure 6: Notification in the Streams panel

Manage Subscription

If you want to edit or delete your existing Subscription you can go to the source object and open the Subscriptions dialog via the context menu or page toolbar again. You will then get the “Manage Subscription” dialog opened from where you can edit the subscription, or choose to Unsubscribe.

Figure 7: Manage Subscription via Subscriptions dialog

You can also edit the following information on a subscription via the administration pages (My Administration/Streams/Subscription/s):

However, it is not possible to add fields to subscribe to or change conditions for those fields from this administration page, those can only be done from the Subscriptions dialog.

From the detail and overview pages of all you Subscriptions, it is also possible to Go To Source and Delete subscriptions.

Figure 8: Manage Subscription via My Administration/Subscription


Figure 9: Manage Subscription via My Administration/Subscriptions