Using Data Validity

[Using IFS Enterprise Explorer Clients] [Working in IFS Enterprise Explorer Pages]


Data Validity allows you to restrict or hide the usage of data records. This functionality is only applicable for records in an entity with data validity enabled. However, it does not restrict accessing the data records from the entity's associated client window.

There are two flavours of Data Validity available.

There are three main states for a record with State based Data Validity enabled:

According to its design, either Hidden or Blocked state may not be available for an entity.

Depending on the state of these records, they may or may not be visible to you in application pages.

Date interval based Data Validity is controlled by the application logic. When you try to refer a record with date interval based validity, it’s accessible only if the validity interval defined in that particular record matches either with the current date or another designated date field in the referring entity record.


To change data validity of records, an IFS Applications Page mapped to an entity enabled for data validity must be open. This is decided by the application logic.

System Effects




Related Window Descriptions



Change Validity of a record / records

To change validity, open a Table Window which has data validity enabled.

Figure 1: Context menu with Change Validity option

The 'Change Validity' context menu item will display the three available states to which the record can be set to; Active, Hidden or Blocked.

Note: Once you change the validity of records, they would be available in the forms where the records are shown. But note that if you change records from Blocked to Active or Hidden, an application restart is required for the changes to take effect.

Using LOV

When a LOV is used to fill in records for an entity modelled with Data Validity, the data shown in the LOV dialog gets filtered out according to the validity model. In this case, the LOV defaults to showing 'Active' records only. In the case of Date Interval Based Validity, the LOV will show records that falls within the desired date range. One visible change you would see in the LOV dialog when referring to an entity modelled with state based validity is the 'Show Hidden' check-box as seen in the following image.

Figure 2: LOV dialog for an entity with Data Validity implemented

By selecting 'Show Hidden' checkbox, you can make both Active and Hidden records visible. However, the LOV dialog will not list records with Blocked state. When it comes to Date Interval based Validity, no additional checkbox will be visible and you will not be able to select records that fall outside the valid date range.

Using the Search Dialog

When you invoke a LOV dialog from the Search Dialog, data validity filtering will not be applied. Instead, you will be able to search for all Active, Hidden and Blocked records as well as records which fall within and outside any Date interval based validity range.