Using Explorer Toolbar

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The Explorer Toolbar toolbar contains a set of button you can use to navigate in IFS Enterprise Explorer, similar to what you would find in a web browser. Examples: Move to previous page or next page, view the navigation history, abort server activity etc. Some buttons are enabled and others disabled depending on your current activity.It also contains the Bread crumbs navigation, read more in Using Breadcrumbs. In addition it contains the search bar for Enterprise Application Search, read more in section Enterprise Application Search.  On the right hand side is the user picture displayed and a drop-down arrow to reach Application Options, read more in Application Options.


Figure 1: Explorer Toolbar



System Effects




Related Window Descriptions



Click the icons to perform the actions described below:

The Home button takes you to the start page of the application. The home page can be set up as any IFS Applications page/web page. Read more about this in  Application Options.

Back / Forward
The first two arrows represent Back and Forward. This is similar to what you would find any web browser, Back button takes you to the previous page, Forward button takes you to the next page.

This button shows a drop-down list containing your navigation history. You can select a node from the list to move to that page.

Recent Screens
The Resent Screens button display the history of the pages you have been working with presented as thumbnails. Simply click on the page you want to switch to. Read more about this in Recent Screens.

The Abort button stops current server activity. This can be very useful e.g. if you have started a search (or populate) with wrong parameters or if you want to stop the server activity for any other reason. There's no danger of destroying data when using the Abort button but do note that if you use it when saving data the data will not be saved.

The Refresh button refreshes the data in the current page you are working with.

Enterprise Application Search
Use Enterprise Application Search (EAS) to quickly find the information you need. With EAS you are able to perform Google-like searches within IFS Applications by simply typing a text in the Search bar. For example type a customer name, and EAS will present a list of objects containing the customer name sorted by relevance. Just click on the link you are interested in and a page related to the object will open with the information you need. IFS Security is built in which means that you can only see what you are allowed to see. Read more in section Enterprise Application Search

User Picture
 If a user picture is connected to the user via User basic date it will be displayed here, read more in the Technical Documentation about user administration. There is a drop down list right to the user picture. It contains options to switch user, e.g. to restart the application, change password, application options and to exit the application.