Register Training Evaluation


Use this function for general training evaluation. The Evaluation Rating Scale is used to specify training evaluation criteria, and consists of grades that are later used for evaluating training events. Training evaluation criteria can be, for example, a two-grade scale such as Yes or No, or a three-grade scale such as Good, Average, or Fail.

Use the function Evaluation Category to register the category of training evaluation. This will be used to categorize evaluation questions into different groups. Examples of categories are trainer, training material, and facility. Examples of groups are training event and participant.

Use the function Evaluation Question to define standard questions used when evaluating training events. Connect the question to Category, Group, and Criteria.

Use the function Evaluation Question Template to define templates in which standard questions are grouped. An example would be questions concerning the same training event.

System Effects

Training Evaluation Category: The result of this entry will be used to categorize the evaluation questions.


General Training Evaluation

Related Window Descriptions

General Training Evaluation/Evaluation Rating Scale
General Training Evaluation/Evaluation Category
General Training Evaluation/Evaluation Question
General Training Evaluation/Evaluation Question Template


Evaluation Rating Scale:

  1. Select New to register a new item.
  2. Enter your data. All fields except Evaluation Rating Description are required.
  3. Save.

 Training Evaluation Category:

  1. Select New to register a new item.
  2. You have to specify the Evaluation Category. The Evaluation Category name must be unique.
  3. Select in the list box whether the specified Evaluation Category will be grouping/used to evaluate the Training Event or Participant.
  4. Save.


 Evaluation Question:

  1. Select New to register a new item.
  2. Enter your data. Evaluation Question Text and Training Evaluation Category are required fields; Training Evaluation Criteria is optional.
  3. Save.

Evaluation Question Template:

  1. Select New to register a new Template.
  2. Tab down into the tab window, and select New again to connect a previously defined Question to that Template.
  3. Save.