
[Time and Attendance Reporting


Use this window to view and and authorize time reported by employees. Unless authorized, time and attendance results will not be transferred to the payroll system.

Use the header to select the period from which you want to display your data. You can also choose to sum hours reported by each employee and display them as a single record per employee.

Use the Organization Tree located to the left to select an organization from which you want to display data. The tree displays all companies and matrix organizations you can access. By clicking the Organization Tree root at the top, you will display authorizations from all structures.
Every node connected directly to the Organization Tree root represents a company or a matrix structure. You can expand those to view their organization units.
Note: The structure displays only units you can access and units that are above them.

When you select a node from the Organization Tree, relevant employees will be loaded onto the table. Depending on the option selected under the Display Data From area, the table will display employees from the selected node or include employees from all subordinate nodes as well.

Following right-click actions are available from the header:

Additional right-click actions are available from the table:

Following right click actions are available from the Organization Tree:

Note: This window should be configured based on the user's requirement. Normally, only a limited set of available fields are required to perform the tasks related to authorization. The fields you require depends on the internal routines etc. You can hide the fields which are not required by using the Object Properties dialog box. Right-click and click Properties to open this dialog box.

Activity Diagrams

Authorize Time Card Information
Maintain Shop Order
Analyze Shop Order


Authorize Attendance of Employee
Authorize Manufacturing Time of Employee