Team Calendar

[Attendance Reporting] [Administer Schedules And Rules] [Time and Attendance Reporting]


Use this window to view time and attendance information of your subordinates.

The window is divided into 3 main sections:


The header contains settings responsible for determining what information you will see:

Selection Filters

The filters area, located at the bottom of the window, contains tools used to select who you will see. It contains tabs which are used to prepare a selection of employees that will be then displayed by the calendar:

The tabs display sets of your subordinates grouped by different attributes. Selecting employees from a single set (e.g. Jobs) will cause employees to be included in a selection group.
However, if you use a different set, e.g. Positions, only employees belonging to both sets will be included in employee selection. Thus, using more tabs narrows the amount of employees who meet the specified criteria.

Display Area

Located in the middle of the window, the display area contains the calendar itself. The list of employees selected via selection filters is located on the left, and their time and attendance information are presented to the right.
If you look at a calendar day, following information can be viewed:


Following right-click actions are available in the window:

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Organizations, Positions, Schedules, Jobs

Activity Diagrams

Register Absence Plan
Register Absence Request
Schedule Employee
Query Time and Attendance Information 


View Employee Time and Attendance Information