Link Wage Codes to Display Groups


This activity is used to connect relevant wage codes to display groups. When an employee registers a wage code belonging to a display group, it will be displayed on the calendar.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, sets of wage codes will be assigned to display groups.


Team Calendar Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Team Calendar Setup


  1. Open the Team Calendar Setup window.
  2. Search or populate for the relevant calendar template.
  3. On the Display Group tab, select a display group what has Attendance Result Layer value entered in the Display Layer field.
  4. On the Wage Code tab, add a new record.
  5. In the Company ID field, enter the identifier of a company from which you want to use wage codes.
  6. In the Wage Class field, you can further narrow the selection of available wage codes by entering a relevant wage class.
  7. In the Wage Type field, you can enter the wage type that contains a number of wage codes.
    Note: If you want all codes from a wage type to belong to a single layer. Go to step 9.
  8. In the Wage Code field, enter the identifier of a wage code which you want to be displayed in a display layer.
  9. Some wage codes can be linked to absences. This would mean that absence data would be displayed in layers devoted to wage codes. There is a possibility that you want that to happen in your wage code setup.
    However, If you want those absence and not to display them, select the Ignored Linked Absence field.
  10. Save your changes