Link Absence Types to Display Groups


This activity is used to connect relevant absence types to display groups. When an employee registers an absence belonging to the display group, it will be displayed on the calendar. Remember that a single display group can be divided up to 3 times based on this activity.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, sets of absence types will be assigned to display groups.


Team Calendar Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Team Calendar Setup


  1. Open the Team Calendar Setup window.
  2. Search or populate for the relevant calendar template.
  3. On the Display Group tab, select a display group what has Absence Layers value entered in the Display Layer field.
  4. On the Absence Type tab, add a new record.
  5. In the Company ID field, enter the identifier of a company from which you want to use absence types.
  6. In the Absence Type ID field, select the absence type which you want to include in the display group.
  7. Define absence layers on which the absence type will be displayed based on its status. 3 layers are possible:
  8. Save your changes.