Create Absence Authorized email


This activity is used to set up an email that will be sent when an absence request is Authorized or Cancelled by the supervisor.

Note: This activity has to be performed by an application owner. If you do not have application owner privileges, contact your system administrator.

To setup the event use the following steps.

  1. Open the Events window and search or populate it.
  2. Right-click the HOLIDAY REQUEST STATE CHANGE row and click Create New Actions. The Event Action window will open.
  3. In the new window, ensure that action type is set to E-Mail.
  4. In the Action Description field, enter a general description of the action, in this case a mail that will be sent to an employee when the absence is Authorized or Cancelled.
  5. Fill in the content of the mail. You may use any of the fileds appearing in the Event tab. Use the available substitution fields (located on the Event and General tabs) to insert parts of the mail which will change dynamically based on the recipient of the mail. It is also a good idea to explain what should be done with the attachment.
  6. Click on the Attachments  link. Click on ADD and select the option of CREATE NEW. In the File Path field, specify the file as Absence.ics. Click on OK and save the record.  This will include an attachment in an email that, once opened by the recipient, will update their outlook calendar with the information of the Absence.
  7. Click on Conditions for performing this action link. Select the field Attachment and set the value to TRUE.
  8. You may optionaly select the field To_State and set the value to Authorized to trigger the mail only when the request is authorized.
  9. Save the event.
  10. Right-click the header and click Enable this action.




System Effects