Create Tax Clearance Voucher



This activity is used to create a voucher to clear the tax account balances.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a tax clearance voucher will be created and placed in the hold table. The voucher information is also placed in Tax Clearance Analysis window.


Create Tax Clearance Voucher

Related Window Descriptions

Create Tax Clearance Voucher


  1. Open the Create Tax Clearance Voucher window.
  2. Enter appropriate values in the From-Year Period and To Year- Period to define a period range for selecting the balances for tax clearing.
  3. Specify accounts range in From Account and To Account fields for selecting the tax accounts. The List of Values can be used to select the required account.
  4. Select a value for the Tax Clearing Base. The base decides whether the reported tax or balance will be fetched into the Amount to Clear field for clearing voucher.
  5. Modify the voucher date, user group and/or voucher type if required. A voucher type connected to the function group TC -Tax Clearance can be used for creating a tax clearance vocuher.
  6. The table shows the tax account balances selected to be included in tax clearing voucher. Unselect Include check box if a balance to be excluded.
  7. Click OK.