Supplier Schedule Basic Data

[To Procurement, Supplier Schedules]


Use this window to enter general data used in the Supplier Schedules module. The window contains four tabs: Approver, Tolerance Template, Schedule Template and Schedule Line Type. The first tab is used for entering the name and ID of the approver, while the three remaining tabs are used for entering templates for the different tolerance values, time periods within the schedule, and types of demand for the supplier scheduling lines. In order to run the functions in IFS/Supplier Schedules, it is required that the Purchasing module be installed and that general data, such as supplier and purchase part, be entered.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Approver, Tolerance Template, Schedule Template, Schedule Line Type.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Supplier Schedule


Enter approver for supplier schedules
Enter tolerance template for supplier schedules
Enter schedule template for supplier schedules
Enter schedule line type for supplier schedules