Register Non-Supplier Payments


This activity is used to register a non-supplier payment item. These are payments which are made to an external payment recipient using the payment format under which the non-supplier payment item is registered.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a non-supplier payment line will be created which can be included in a payment proposal or payment order and then subsequently paid.


Non-Supplier Payments

Related Window Descriptions

Non-Supplier Payments


  1. Open the Non-Supplier Payments window and create a new record.
  2. In the Non-Supplier Payment ID field, It is possible to enter any numeric value which has not been previously used in another non-supplier payment line. If the field is left blank, the next number will be assigned to the line automatically. When a new record is created, the ID of the current user and the system date (today's date) appears automatically in the User ID and the Creation Date fields.
  3. Enter the planned payment date in the Planned Payment Date field which will be used in the automatic supplier payment flow.
  4. The amount which is to be paid should be entered in the Amount field. The value entered in the Amount field will appear automatically in the Open Amount field too. However, as the payment is made, the remaining amount which remains to be paid for the respective line, will appear in the Open Amount field.
  5. In the Currency field, specify the currency in which the payment is to be made.
  6. In the Recipient ID field, specify the recipient of the non-supplier payment, by entering or choosing from the List of Values a recipient connected to the recipient type  6 (NONSUPP).
  7. Specify a payment method connected to ISO20022, PLBREPLN, PLBREFOR, PLBANKPRINTOUT or BACS payment format in the Payment Method field.
  8. Specify the authorizer of the payment line in the Authorizer field.
  9. In the Account field, specify the account to be used for the payment. A value appears in the Account Description field automatically once the account has been chosen. The remaining code parts can be entered in fields Code B,...,Code J, Activity Id.
  10. In the Tax Code field, you can specify the tax code to be used, by entering or selecting from the List of Values. Values in the Tax Direction and Tax Amount fields appear automatically.
  11. Save the record.