Cancel Netting  


The Cancel Netting transaction is used in Netting for canceling previously processed nettings between supplier invoices or prepayments and customer invoices or prepayments. All postings related to the previous netting are reversed at cancellation.


This activity requires that a supplier/customer netting has been performed and can be viewed in Cancel Netting.

System Effects

As a result of this entry,  a voucher group G is created and all postings in connection with previous netting are reversed.


Cancel Netting

Related Window Descriptions

Cancel Netting


To cancel a netting:

  1. Open Cancel Netting Use the Query or Populate function to find the netting to be cancelled. Mark the relevant line, then use the right mouse button function Cancel Netting. Click OK in the Enter Criteria dialog box and then in the Netting has been canceled dialog box.