Enter Invoice Posting Authorizers


This activity is used to enter invoice posting authorizers for the company. The specified authorizers will be used as posting line authorizers in the posting proposal. The authorizer should always be connected to a user ID and an authorization combination rule ID. It is also required to specify a role for the authorizer.

There are two different roles that an authorizer can have. The Authorizer will be the user who will actually authorize the postings. This user can have limitations for code parts and the maximum amount. There is no limitation for the number of authorizers an invoice can have. It is also possible to define a user as an Acknowledger. The acknowledger is the person who confirms whether the invoice goods were actually received, and checks whether the postings are correct and acceptable. The acknowledger will also check whether the correct authorizers are connected. A posting line cannot be authorized when an acknowledger has not set the same posting line to the Acknowledged status. It is required to have at least one authorizer for each invoice line, but it is not a must to have an acknowledger for each invoice line.

Once you create the authorizer, you have the option of creating the same authorizer in IFS Purchasing. You can do so by clicking Yes in the message that appears after you save the authorizer record, or you can right-click on the authorizer record and then click Add Authorizer in Purchase


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

The defined user will have the possibility to authorize or acknowledge any invoices according to the role of the user. 


Invoice Posting Authorizers

Related Window Descriptions

Invoice Posting Authorizers


  1. Open the Invoice Posting Authorizers window.
  2. In the Authorizer ID field, enter the identity of the authorizer or select a value from the List of Values. The name of the selected authorizer will be displayed in the Name field.
  3. Enter the user ID to be used for the authorizer, in the User ID field.
  4. Select the Authorizer role from the Role list.
  5. Select the Super Access check box if you want the authorizer to have access to all the invoices, and to be able to authorize all invoices, within the limitations of the code parts and the maximum amount. 
  6. In the Superior Authorizer field, enter the identity of the person who will act as the superior authorizer for the current authorizer, or select a value from List of Values.
  7. Use the List of Values to select the posting authorization combination rules that the authorizer belongs to in the Authorization Combination Rule ID field.
  8. Enter the maximum invoice net amount the authorizer is allowed to authorize in the Max Amount field.
  9. In the Valid From and Valid Until fields, enter the beginning and end dates for the period during which the authorizer role will be effective.
  10. The Substitute Exist check box will be selected if the authorizer is having any substitutes specified. This check box cannot be modified..
  11. Select the Notify User check box if an event message should be sent to the authorizer each time the requirement to authorize any invoices is needed.
  12. Select the Administrator User check box if you want the authorizer to have administrator user authority. An administrator user has access to view all invoices and the authority to modify already authorized posting lines.
  13.  Select the Multi Authorize check box if you want the authorizer to be able to authorize multiple invoices at the same time. Multi authorize is possible in Posting Proposals window.
  14. Save the information.