Sub Contract Valuation

A sub contract valuation is used to record progress of work performed against a contract, receive payment requests, invoices and manage payments of such invoices.

A valuation can be created at any time, often in regular intervals based on company policy. Valuations are always based on the underlying awarded sub contract, and can be done on a detailed level by contract line and item. The valuation values are summarized to a total valuation for the sub contract.

Doing a valuation is a cumulative process, and the valuation values entered will include any previous values. If a previous valuation exists, the valuation values for this previous valuation will be copied automatically to the valuation value of the newly created valuation.

When an application for payment is received from the sub contractor, the application and its amounts are entered onto one of the existing valuations. The entry of these amounts can be done manually by the contractor or directly by the sub contractor (if the supplier is defined as a B2B supplier). Normally the application amounts are compared with the amounts from the valuation, and from this process the certified amounts are entered. This will then form the basis for issuing a payment certificate to the sub contractor (i.e., supplier), indicating what the contractor is accepting to pay. A sub contractor defined as a B2B supplier can view this information as soon as the valuation is certified by the contractor. The sub contractor will then submit an invoice to the contractor, and this invoice will be matched against the payment certificate.

Any retention, discount and deductions defined on the sub contract will be handled through the valuation.

Valuation uses two different statuses, Valuation status and Payment status, in order to monitor the progress of the both the valuation and the payment.

A valuation can go through the following stages:


A planned valuation is as a blueprint, where initial proposals and plans are metered out before the approval process starts. All new valuations begin in a Planned status.

Valuation Completed

Indicates that the internal valuation of work performed is completed. Many valuations will not be processed further through application received to certified and so forth, and will instead end up as Archived.

Application Received

This status indicates that an application for payment has been received with a specific application number and application amounts have been entered. Under this status, application postings may be created for the net amount, retention, deduction and discount amounts*.

It is possible to enter certification amounts in this status.

Certification In Progress

A valuation in this status means that the valuation is currently going through the process of being certified. A valuation can enter this status if it is currently in the Application Received status. It is possible to go directly from the Planned status only if the sub contract is configured to not receive applications for payment.

It indicates that all costs, payments and other details pertaining to the sub contract have been discussed by the contractor and its supplier, and that all those amounts have been entered as certified amounts on the valuation.


When a valuation is certified, it indicates that the contractor has issued a certificate to the sub contractor confirming the certified amounts to be paid by the contractor. Under this status, certified postings will be created for the net certified amount, retention, deduction and discount amounts, and the corresponding application amounts will be reversed*.

A valuation can only be certified after the certification process has been completed.

Partially Invoiced

One or more invoices have been received and matched with a part of the total payment certificate amount.

Fully Invoiced

One or more invoices have been received and matched with the total payment certificate amount.


Valuations can be created as required, although not necessarily only for applications received, so there may exist valuations that are not connected to any applications. Valuations in status Planned and with the Valuation Completed check box selected, can be archived for future reference, if needed.

When a valuation supersedes another valuation(s) and this valuation(s) is completed though not certified, then certifying the latest valuation will automatically set the status of the older valuation(s) to Archived.


This valuation has been cancelled and is not used in any way.


It exist also a B2B Status which is used if the sub contractor is defined as a business to business supplier. The B2B Status will go through the following stages:


When the B2B status is Released or higher the valuation (application) is visible by the B2B supplier. If it is the contractor (i.e. the IFS company) that creates a valuation the B2B status is blank from the beginning. The contractor will then raise the B2B status to Released when the valuation should be visible by the B2B supplier and it should be possible for the sub contractor to enter application work values. If the valuation is created by the B2B supplier the B2B status is automatically set to Released.

In Progress

When the B2B supplier starts to enter application work values in the valuation the B2B status is automatically changed to In Progress.


When the B2B supplier is ready with entering application work values, he will click on the Submit Application command and enter application number and application date and click OK. The B2B status of the valuation is then automatically changed to Submitted.

Invoice Sent

When the B2B supplier has produced a new invoice that takes into account the latest certified values and what has been invoiced before and sent this new invoice to the contractor he can indicate this by clicking on the Invoice Sent command. The B2B status of the valuation is then automatically changed to Invoice Sent.


When a valuation/certificate is in the process of being paid, the payment goes through the following stages:

Partially Paid

The Payment status of the valuation is set to Partially Paid if the valuation is Partially Invoiced and a payment has been made against one or more of the invoices for the payment certificate, or if the valuation is Fully Invoiced but only a part of the total invoice amount has been paid.

Fully Paid

The Payment status of the valuation is set to Fully Paid if the valuation is Fully Invoiced and the total invoice amount has been paid.

* Any postings created are based on the posting control configuration.

Sub Contract Valuation Cash Flow Source

Valuations provide information to IFS/Cash Flow Analysis in order to determine the cash flow. The status of the valuation is mapped to a cash flow status. The cash flow status number is a measure of the reliability of the payment. The status mapping can be changed and the pre-defined status is given below:

Valuation Status Cash Flow Status Cash Flow Event Date Value sent to Cash Flow Comments
Planned 4 Certified Due Date + Payment term This Valuation value + Tax "This Valuation value" should include Discount and Deduction. The calculation is done the same way as in Sub Contract Valuation, tab Certificate Summary.
Archived 4 Certified Due Date + Payment term This Valuation value + Tax
Application Received 3 Certified Due Date + Payment term This Valuation value + Tax
Certification in Progress 3 Certified Due Date + Payment term Certified Payable Amount on this Valuation  
Certified 2 Certified Date + Payment term Certified Payable Amount on this Valuation  
Partially Invoiced 1 Certified Date+ Payment term Total Remaining Amount to be Invoiced + Tax  

Note: When the valuation has been fully invoiced it will no longer belong the sub contract valuation cash flow source. Also, dates listed above as the cash flow event dates are taken from the valuation.