Shop Order/Operation Tools | MRO Shop Order/Operation Tools | Disposition Shop Order/Operation Tools

[About Shop Order] [About Disassembly Shop Order] [About Repair MRO Shop Order] [About Assembly Shop Order] [About Shop Order]

[To CAMRO Disassemble Overhaul Object] [To CAMRO/CRO Disposition Overhaul Object] [To CAMRO/CRO Execute MRO Shop Order] [To CAMRO Assemble Overhaul Object] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order] [To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning] [To Shop Order Manufacturing]


Use this tab to view, add and modify information about the tools needed to manufacture, disassemble, disposition, repair or assemble the parent part. Only the subset of shop order operations that have tools defined are shown in this tab. The user can create new operation tool records or revise existing operation tool records. These changes only affect the current shop order, not the standard operation list for the parent part.

Activity Diagrams

Define and maintain maintenance level structure and routing
Complete routing
Define and maintain repair routing
Manage routings
Handle repair shop order
Handle multilevel repair shop order


Connect tool ID to operation
Enter document text