Simulate Availability for Shop Order Material

[To Make to Stock Planning]


Use this window to determine the possibility of manufacturing a selected part on a specified date by checking the availability of its component parts. The date that you enter is the date when the requirement quantity of component parts must be available to manufacture the parent part. You can specify whether you want to see the result for all component parts or only for parts having a shortage of material. The simulated available quantity is calculated as follows:   

Qty Onhand
- Reserved
Qty Onhand 
+ Open Supply
(no requisistions)
- Not reserved Demand
(no MRP exploded demand)
= Projected Available
Qty Onhand

    Projected Available Qty Onhand - Simulated Qty Required = Simulated Qty Available


To simulate the part's component availability under different requirements, select the part and then enter your own quantity, then choose Simulate from the right mouse button menu.

This window will simulate availability only for shop order material that is has a Company Owned ownership type. The planning functionality is not available for other part ownership types. Component parts which have been set to Not Consumed are not considered when performing the simulation.

Activity Diagrams

Create Shop Order
Reserve Components


Simulate Material Availability for Parent Part
Shop Order Availability
Check Material
Set up Alternate Component Substitution Sequence