Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line

[About Shop Order]

[To Shop Order Manufacturing]


Use this page to manually connect an existing supply directly to existing demand where the demand is a shop order material line and the supply is a purchase order line or a shop order. So it is possible to peg material requirements for shop order (demand) towards purchase order lines (supply) and shop orders (supply).

In MRO Manufacturing for MRO assembly shop order there is a check box, Show All Peggable Orders. This check box appears if the part to reserve is connected to a position part. If it is selected, then all parts possible to reserve appears in the Purchase Order tab independent of ownership and condition code. Alternate(s) for the position part also appears. If the part to be reserved is different regarding ownership, condition code or is an alternate then a new material line is generated based on the selection and the original line is removed. A pegging of an order results in that either a new material line(s) is added or else is the quantity of an existing updated. To view the pegging, it is necessary to perform a new search since the conditions of the selection have changed

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Purchase Order, Shop Order.

Activity Diagrams

Handle shop order material and operations


Manual pegging of shop order material line