Consolidated Shipments

[About Shipment] [About EDI Messages] [About Route Planning]

[To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery] [To Transport Administration]


Use this window to view and modify consolidated shipments. The window can also be used to handle the entire shipment flow from reservation to creation of shipment invoice for all shipments connected to a consolidated shipment, except for the pick reporting step.

Activity Diagrams

Create Shipment
Handle Picking
Packing of Goods
Deliver Shipment


Block Automatic Connection to Shipment
Reserve Shipment Lines

Print Address Label
Print Shipment Delivery Note
Print Shipment Pro Forma Invoice
Print Consignment Note
Print Bill of Lading
Print Packing List

Create Pick List
Print Pick List

Preliminary Shipment
Complete Shipment
Deliver Shipment
Close Shipment
Send Dispatch Advice
Create Shipment Invoices