Inventory Parts in Shipment Inventory

[About Two-Stage Picking] [About Catch Unit]

[To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery]


Use this window to handle parts picked for source lines and shipment lines that are placed at a shipment location, i.e., awaiting dispatch to the receiver. Here you can pack, return and scrap inventory parts as well as move them among different shipment locations. These activities can also be done per handling unit for parts that are packed - this is done in another window.

For customer orders working with two stage picking (packing of goods in shipment inventory after they have been picked), if pre-ship delivery notes exist for parts and there is a change in part quantities, they need to be re-created and re-printed as the previous ones will be set to invalid. You can also create pre-ship delivery notes per order line for shipment inventory parts that do not have delivery notes connected yet.

Activity Diagrams

Handle Picking
Deliver Shipment
Packing of Goods


Handle Parts in Shipment Inventory
Create and Print Pre-Shipment Delivery Notes
View Configuration