Create Consolidated Pick List for Shipments

[To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery


Use this dialog box to create consolidated (or collective) pick lists for shipments. A consolidated pick list is a way of grouping the pick list based on certain selection criteria. This gives you the possibility to select how your pick lists are to be consolidated, e.g., per shipment number, deliver-to-customer-number, route, planned ship period. You can either create a consolidated pick list directly or schedule the task as a background job.

Note: If a shipment contains lines connected to a source other than customer order (eg: project deliverable shipment plan), those shipments will not be considered for the consolidated pick list created, even if the consolidation rules are met. Eg: If a shipment which is in accordance with the consolidation criteria specified in the dialog contains shipment lines connected to a project deliverable shipment plan, pick list lines for this shipment will not be included in the consolidated pick list created by this dialog box. Created pick list will only include customer order connected pick list lines.

Activity Diagrams

Handle Picking
Scheduling in Shipment


Create Consolidated Pick List for Shipments