Make Manual Reservations


Whenever you are selling or renting out or delivering stored inventory parts, you can choose to reserve the parts manually or automatically, for example: either upon entry of the customer order or just before the due date.

Reserving the parts manually means that you, not the system, decide how many parts are going to be reserved. You can also choose from which inventory location the parts will be picked, regardless of what is stated in the source object. As manual reservation is done online, you can ensure that the parts are available and reserved immediately. You cannot reserve more parts than stated in the source line or shipment line depending on if you reserve for the source line or the shipment line. If the quantity of a source line is connected to a shipment, the reservation is done per source line and shipment. If not, it is just per source line. Manual reservations are done either by reserving a quantity of a specific stock record or by reserving complete handling units. Note that only homogenous handling units containing the required part can be manually reserved. If a partial quantity of a handling unit should be reserved it has to be done by stating part and quantity.

When manually reserving a rental order line both company-owned rental assets and supplier-owned rental assets can be reserved if the ownership on the rental line requires company-owned assets. If the ownership on the rental line requires supplier owned assets only suppler rented can be reserved.

You can use this procedure whenever you want to reserve source lines that otherwise would be stopped because the customer has exceeded his or her credit limit. You can also use the procedure when you want to reserve WDR and expired parts.

Reservations may be unreserved or changed at any time until a pick list has been generated. You can perform these actions for inventory parts. Manually unreserving a reservation for one or more order lines in the Customer Order Lines or Customer Order window works the same as unreserving in the Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line or Manual Reservations for Shipment Line windows.

If you no longer want to pick and deliver the entire reserved quantity, it is possible to change this in the Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line or Manual Reservations for Shipment Line window. For inventory parts, query for the source object in question and enter the required quantity in the Reserved Qty field in the lower part of the window. Save, and the quantity you do not want to pick is no longer reserved. Save when completed. For handling units you can unreserve already reserved handling units and then reserve new ones - note that this is done for complete handling units and all of its content. Partial reservation of a handling unit needs to be handled per part and quantity.

Parts can be reserved from the project inventory or the standard inventory. A project in IFS/Project can own its project inventory, ensuring that the material acquired to this project cannot be issued to fulfill other demands, such as from another project or from non-project related demands. Inventory parts that are not owned by a project, belong to a standard inventory. For example, if the customer order line is project-connected, you can reserve the parts from the project inventory or the standard inventory (provided that the parts are available in inventory), depending on the supply code entered on the customer order line. If the line is not project-connected, you can only reserve the parts from standard inventory.


System Effects


Customer Order
Customer Order Lines
Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line
Manual Reservations for Shipment Line
Reserve Customer Order Lines
Inventory Part In Stock Reservations
Quick Order Flow Handling

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Customer Order/Order Lines
Customer Order/Rental Order Lines
Customer Order Lines
Shipment/Shipment Lines
Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line Manual Reservations for Shipment Line
Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line/Details
Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line/Handling Unit
Reserve Customer Order Lines
Inventory Part In Stock Reservations
Quick Order Flow Handling
Input UoM Parameters
Package Structure


Manually reserve or change reservation in the Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line or Manual Reservations for Shipment Line window.

Reserve inventory parts:

  1. In the Details tab, select the line where the appropriate location is displayed.
  2. Enter the quantity to be reserved in the Reserved Qty field. An alternative is to right-click and then click Reserve, the quantity available for selected record will then be reserved. This can for example be useful when reserving serials.
    Note: If the Input Group check box on the header is selected, you can enter the quantities of parts to reserve in an input unit other than the inventory unit of measure. You can select an input UoM from the Input UoM list, and then enter the parameters either in the Input Qty field or the Input UoM Parameters window. Please refer to the activity Select Input UoM and Enter Parameters.
  3. Save the information to complete the reservation.

Note: If the reserved part is serial-tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, no specific serial numbers will be reserved. Right-click and then click Identify Serials if there is a need to identify the reserved serial numbers.

Reserve handling units:

  1. In the Handling Unit tab, select the appropriate handling unit(s) to be reserved.
  2. Right-click and then click Reserve, the quantity available for selected handling units will then be reserved. Reserved handling units are then shown at the top of the list followed by available handling units that could be reserved consider the remaining quantity to be reserved. Note that this means that when a demand line is fully reserved there will not be any available handling units shown.

Change reservation of inventory parts:

  1. In the Details tab, select the line that has already been reserved.
  2. Enter the new quantity to be reserved in the Reserved Qty column. For example, if you have previously reserved 10 parts and now only want 8 parts to be reserved, indicate 8 parts instead of 10 in the Reserved Qty column.
  3. Save the information to complete the change of reservation.


Manually unreserve in the Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line or Manual Reservations for Shipment Line window.

Unreserve inventory parts:

  1. In the Details tab, select the line that has already been reserved.
  2. Enter the quantity 0 (zero) in the Reserved Qty column. An alternative is to right-click and then click Unreserve, the quantity available for selected record will then be unreserved. This can for example be useful when unreserving serials.
  3. Save the information to complete the release (unreservation).

Unreserve handling units:

  1. In the Handling Unit tab, select the handling units that have already been reserved and should be unreserved.
  2. Right-click and then click Unreserve - the quantity available for selected handling units will then be unreserved.


Manually unreserve a reservation for one or more order lines in the Customer Order Lines or Customer Order window.

  1. Select one or more order lines.
  2. Right-click and then click Unreserve, the reserved quantity for the selected record(s) will then be unreserved.

Note: If more than one line is selected, Unreserve will be enabled if one or more of them are possible to unreserve. The action will be executed for the applicable lines.