Close Shipment


Closure of the shipment can be automatic or manual, and will result in the shipment assuming the Closed status. The shipment being closed means that the goods have left the sender, and only a few changes to the content of the shipment is allowed. In order to create a customer order invoice the shipment must be closed. The only activities still allowed when a shipment is closed, is to create customer order invoice, send or resend the dispatch advice, print shipment documents and transport labels.

The shipment can be closed automatically by using the shipment type, You can also close the shipment manually per shipment or per consolidated shipment by using right-clicking and clicking Close. A consolidated shipment is defined as one departure of several shipments from the specified site, to all the delivery addresses of the connected shipments. When executed from the consolidated shipment all connected shipments, ready for closure, will be closed.


System Effects



Consolidated Shipment
Consolidated Shipments

Related Window Descriptions

Consolidated Shipment
Consolidated Shipments


Using Shipment:

  1. Open the Shipment window or the Shipments window.
  2. Search for the shipment that you want to close by using the Populate or Query function.
  3. Right-click and then click Close.

Using Consolidated Shipment:

  1. Open the Consolidated Shipment window or the Consolidated Shipments window.
  2. Retrieve the consolidated shipment, for which you want to close all connected shipments, by using the Populate or Query function.
  3. Right-click and then click Close.

Note that the closure of a shipment can be done automatically in the shipment flow if the shipment type allows this.