Prepare Work Task in Service Quotation


This activity is used to prepare a work task connected to a service quotation by adding resources, materials and other demands.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a work task connected to the work order is prepared by adding resources, materials and other demands..


Service Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Service Quotation
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Work Tasks
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Work Task
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Work Task/Resources
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Work Task/Materials
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Work Task/Other Demands


  1. Open the Service Quotation window and query for the service quotation.
  2. On Work Orders and Tasks tab, expand the tree navigator on the left pane and click on a work task.
  3. Specify a value in Work Type field if you need to change the defaulted work type from the work order, use the List of Values to enter a work type.
  4. Optionally, select a Location ID if you want to change the defaulted value from the work order, using the List of Values.
  5. To change the Address, open up the Edit Address dialog and if changes, the Location ID will be removed.
  6. On the Resources tab create a new record, specify the Demand Type, Resource Group and Planned Quantity. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value for resource group.
  7. On the Materials tab create a new record, specify the Part No and Quantity Required. Use the list of Values to select a suitable value for part no.
  8. On the Other Demands tab create a new record, specify the Cost Type and enter values for Cost and Planned Quantity.
  9. Enter a value in Sales Part or change the automatically fetched if required, using the List of Values (F8) on all tabs above. Optionally, change values in Unit Sales Price/curr, Discount% or Markup% in resource, material or other demand lines.
  10. Save the information (F12).