Prepare Work Order in Service Quotation


This activity is used to prepare a work order connected to a service quotation by adding work task templates and tasks.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a work order connected to the service quotation is prepared with work task templates and tasks.


Service Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Service Quotation
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Work Order
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Jobs and Templates
Service Quotation/Work Orders and Tasks/Work Tasks


  1. Open the Service Quotation window and query for the service quotation.
  2. On Work Orders and Tasks tab, expand the tree navigator on the left pane and click on a work order. Work Order tab is populated with the information of the selected work order.
  3. Specify a value in Work Type field, use the List of Values to enter a work type.
  4. Optionally, select an Invoice Rule ID using the List of Values and select a Location ID using the List of Values which hold the address information.
  5. To change the Address, open up the Edit Address dialog and if changes, the Location ID will be removed.
  6. Optionally, select Estimate check box if you want to make the work order an estimate.
  7. On Jobs & Templates tab create a new record and specify a description in the Description field.
  8. Optionally, in Task Template ID field, use the List of Values to specify a work task template. Save the information (F12).
  9. Create a new record in the Work Tasks tab additionally to the work tasks created from the connection of work task template.
  10. Specify a description in the Description field and use the List of Values to specify a maintenance organization in the Maint. Org field.
  11. Save the information (F12),