Connect Service to Service Quotation


This activity is used to connect already planned or ongoing maintenance events, maintenance orders and work orders to an existing service quotation.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a maintenance orders, maintenance events and work orders are connected to a service quotation.


Service Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Service Quotation
Connect Service to Service Quotation


  1. Open the Service Quotation window and query for the service quotation.
  2. Right click and click Connect Service to Service Quotation.
  3. If you want to connect an entire maintenance order, in the Maintenance Order tab, select the Connect Service? check box corresponding to the particular maintenance orders.
  4. If you want to connect individual maintenance events, click the Maintenance Event tab and select the Connect Service? check box corresponding to the particular maintenance events.
  5. If you want to connect work orders, click the Work Order tab and select the Connect Service? check box corresponding to the particular work orders. All work tasks connected to the selected work order and for the same customer will be connected to the quotation.
  6. Click OK.