SLA Order Template

A SLA order template is a template which includes the service level agreement template lines defined for different work stages of the service. Scheduling data could be defined per service level agreement template line. A SLA order template can be the service level agreement between the service company and the customer to agree upon a latest start and latest finish of the service.

An active SLA order template can be connected to one or more service contract SLA lines. The SLA order template is used to auto generate a SLA order and will be connected to a work order and/or a work task.


Possible statuses on a SLA order template are Preliminary, Active, Obsolete and Cancelled.

SLA Order Template Status



This is the initial status that the order template receives when created or the status when an Active order template is revised.
It is possible to add or change order template lines and template schedule lines on the order template.


A SLA order template in this status can be used in service contract SLA lines and no changes are allowed on order template
lines but changes can be done on template schedule lines. An Active SLA order template may not be revised if it has been
used in SLA lines of a service contract in non-closed status.


This status indicates that the order template has stopped being used and/or has been replaced. A SLA order template can
only be set to Obsolete status from Active status. An Active SLA order template may not be made obsolete if it is used
in SLA lines of a service contract in non-closed status.


A SLA order template that is in Preliminary or Active status can be cancelled. For example, this can be done if the order
template was created in erroneously. When the status is Cancelled, no further changes are possible but such order templates
can be deleted.

SLA Order Template Lines

SLA order template lines defined for different work stages of the service. The initial SLA order template line is specified as the default and can be changed to a different line later on. These lines will be used to create SLA order lines when applicable.

On SLA order template line, Calculation Basis can be set as either Base Data or Previous Task and this indicates how the SLA Latest Start and SLA Latest Finish on a work task is calculated. (i.e. SLA order generated from the SLA order template is connected to the work task)

SLA Order Template Schedule Lines

SLA order template schedule lines are defined per SLA order template line and a Scheduling Type is mandatory. The first line defined will be considered as the primary scheduling line and can be changed later on. These lines will be used to create SLA order schedule line when applicable.