Set Serial Non Operational


This activity is used to set the operational condition of a serial to Non Operational. A serial that is non operational is currently invalid and needs exception handling. Non operational normally means that the configuration of the serial is incomplete when compared to the requirements of the template structure.


System Effects


Serial Structure Information

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Information/General
Set Serial to be Out Of Operation


Follow this procedure to change the operational condition of a serial that is either Planned for Operation or Out Of Operation:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window and search for your serial structure.
  2. In the navigator, select the relevant structure node and then click the General tab.
  3. Right-click, point to Status, and click Non Operational.

Follow this procedure to change the operational condition of a serial when setting the serial Out Of Operation:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window and search for your serial structure.
  2. In the navigator, select the relevant structure node and then click the General tab.
  3. Right-click, point to Status, and click Out Of Operation. The Set Serial to be Out Of Operation dialog box opens.
  4. Select the Set the serial to be Non Operational check box and click OK.
  5. If condition code functionality is enabled for the serial part, the Change Condition Code dialog box opens. Use the List of Values to select the required condition code and click OK to close the dialog box.