Install Part


This activity is used to install into the serial structure a structure entry lacking a serial number. You can connect both serialized and non-serialized parts using this activity. Only a part that is the same as or is an alternate for the part that was previously installed in the structure position can be installed. When installing parts to a structure position, you are allowed to install any prime parts or valid alternates, provided that the operational status of the structure was not changed from Planned For Operation. Once the operational status of the structure is changed from Planned For Operation, rules of interchangeability will be applied and you will no longer be allowed to install alternate parts that do not meet the validations for interchangeability of alternate parts. Note that it is also possible to install any prime parts or alternates for structure positions in completely new structures which are In Operation or Out Of Operation, but where no parts are installed after a structure change was performed. If nothing has been installed in the structure position the prime part of the serial structure template is used.

When a part is installed into a structure having an operational status of either In Operation or Out Of Operation, an entry will be created in the replacement history.


System Effects


Serial Structure Information 
Report In Work Order
Work Task
Flight Log  

Related Window Descriptions

Structure Changes/Install Part
Structure Changes - Select Action
Serial Structure Information     
Serial Structure Information/Consist Of
Report In Work Order/Work Tasks/Task Card
Work Task/Task Card
Flight Log/Fault  


Use this procedure to install a part into a serial structure:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window and query (F3) for the necessary structure.
  2. In the graphical object structure, select the empty structure position into which the part is to be installed, right-click, point to Structure Changes, and then click Install Part. The Install Part assistant opens.

Note: This assistant can also be opened from the Consist Of tab, by right-clicking on a serial record, pointing to Structure Changes, and then clicking Install Part. When you are working in this tab, and need to move down the structure, select the required serial record, right-click and then click Next Level until the required structure level is displayed.

  1. The vehicle ID, top part number and top serial number appear automatically in the Install or Swap into area.
  2. In the Structure Position field, enter the structure position in which the part is to be installed. A structure position must exist for a part to be installed in the structure. Click List to select a structure position currently unoccupied.
  3. In the Workshop field, enter the workshop responsible for installing the part. Click List to select a valid value.
  4. If you want to connect the part installation to a maintenance event, click List to select a valid value for the Mx Event Number field.
  5. In the Str. Change Date field, enter the date and time the structure change is to be performed.
  6. Select the Unscheduled Removal? check box if this structure change is to be an unscheduled removal.
  7. Select the Run in Batch? check box if you want access rights for the installed part (only if child serials are installed in the part) to be updated through a batch job.
  8. Click Finish to close the assistant and perform the structure change.

Use this procedure to perform a structure change, i.e., install a part, for the structure of the serial on the work task:

  1. Open the Report In Work Order window and query (F3) for the desired work order.
  2. Click the Work Tasks tab, select the desired task, and then click the Task Card tab. Alternatively, the Work Task/Task Card tab can be used to perform these steps.
  3. Right-click and click Perform Structure Change. The Structure Changes - Select Action assistant step opens.
  4. Select Install Part and then click Next. The Install Part step opens.
  5. The vehicle ID, top part number and top serial number appear automatically in the Install or Swap into area.
  6. In the Structure Position field, enter the structure position in which the part is to be installed. A structure position must exist for a part to be installed in the structure. Click List to select a structure position currently unoccupied.
  7. The workshop to which the work order was distributed appears automatically in the Workshop field. If necessary, you can change to another workshop using the List of Values.
  8. In the Str. Change Date field, enter the correct date and time the structure change is to be performed.
  9. Click Finish to close the assistant and perform the structure change.

Use this procedure to perform a structure change, i.e., install a part in the structure of the vehicle on which the fault was reported:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for your flight log number and/or serial.
  2. Click the Fault tab and select the relevant fault number from the Fault Number list.
  3. Right-click and click Perform Structure Change. The Structure Changes - Select Action step opens.
  4. Verify that the Install Part option is selected and then click Next. The Install Part step opens.
  5. Continue with steps 3 to 10 described in the in the first procedure listed above.