Enter Performed Interval Based Maintenance


This activity is used to enter interval based maintenance activities that have been previously performed on the serial structure, but not yet been logged in the system. You can enter this information for both components that have not been logged in the system before, and components that have existing, but not complete, historical data in the system. It is possible to adjust the values that were recently entered so that several records do not appear in the log by mistake. The Component Life/Interval Maint tab displays all possible maintenance activities, not only those for which maintenance events have been created. The maintenance plan controls what is visible in this window for each selected serial. For more information, refer to the online help file Interval Based Maintenance Programs.

You cannot record an overhaul that has occurred between existing operational log records or where the latest operational loggings have not been completed. However, as an exception, you will be allowed to report an overhaul prior to all the recorded operational loggings. It is necessary for all the logging dates of the latest logging to be the same for all operational parameters of the serial before you can report and overhaul from the Component Life window.


System Effects


Component Life

Related Window Descriptions

Component Life/Interval Maint


This section is divided into different subsections in order to describe the different ways of entering performed interval based maintenance depending on how the maintenance plan has been set up. Each subsection will have a defined scenario containing at least what the maintenance plan looks like. In addition to the maintenance plan, the average operational values (per month) and the current operational log values will influence the result of entering the performed interval based maintenance.

All the different subsections are referred to as different cases:

Common steps relevant for all subsections

  1. Open the Component Life window, and query (F3) for the necessary serial structure.
  2. Click the Interval Maint tab, and observe the maintenance codes that appear automatically.
  3. For the maintenance event to be logged, enter a value in the Value At Maintenance field for the primary operational parameter in the upper part of the window.
  4. In the lower part of the window, enter a value in the Value At Maintenance field for the other operational parameters.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other maintenance events to be logged.

Common information used by all subsections

Operational Parameter Description Average Value (per month)
FHR Flight Hours 50
LDG Landings 20

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Primary Operational Parameter Interval - No Tolerances

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
A 200 FHR - - 200 - - Inspection No Cycle - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
April 10th 2004 3190 FHR
  1. Find the record with Maint Code A.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 3190 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field enter 3190 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. Ensure that value 3200 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. This value tells the application where in the maintenance plan the serial is currently located, and will be the basis for the value of the next maintenance.
  6. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
A 3400 FHR September 15th 2004 September 15th 2004 September 16th 2004 Interval
A 3600 FHR January 13th 2005 January 13th 2005 January 14th 2005 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Secondary Operational Parameter Interval - No Tolerances

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
A1 160 LDG - - 160 - - Inspection No Cycle - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
February 10th 2004 1450 LDG

3050 FHR

  1. Find the record with Maint Code A1.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. This maintenance code has it's interval defined in a secondary operational parameter, but since the serial also have a value for the primary operational parameter at the time of the maintenance, this must be entered.
  4. In the Value at Maintenance (for operational parameter FHR) field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 3050.
  5. In the Value Total field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 3050.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Find Oper Param LDG in the lower table of the window.
  8. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 1450 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  9. In the Value Total field enter 1450 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  10. Ensure that value 1440 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. This value "tells" the application where in the maintenance plan the serial is currently located, and will be the basis for the value of the next maintenance.
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
A1 1600 LDG August 16th 2004 August 16th 2004 August 17th 2004 Interval
A1 1760 LDG April 13th 2005 April 13th 2005 April 14th 2005 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Calendar Interval

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
A2 - - 150 Days - 150 Days Inspection No Cycle - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
March 3rd 2004 3125 FHR
  1. Find the record with Maint Code A2.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance (for operational parameter FHR) field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 3125.
  4. In the Value Total field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 3125.
  5. In the Calendar Interval field use the List of Values to select value 150 d. Observe that Calendar Unit is automatically populated.
  6. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
A2 3320 (approx.) FHR July 31st 2004 July 31st 2004 August 1st 2004 Calendar
A2 3570 (approx.) FHR December 28th 2004 December 28th 2004 December 29th 2004 Calendar

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Combined Operational Parameter and Calendar Interval - No Tolerances

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
A3 200 FHR 150 Days 200 150 Days Inspection No Cycle - -
  80 LDG - - 80 - - - - - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
April 7th 2004 3170 FHR

1517 LDG

  1. Find the record with Maint Code A3.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. This maintenance code has it's intervals defined in multiple parameters (including calendar time) which means that a value has to be entered for all the intervals using the nominal value. In this particular case it was the LDG interval that triggered the execution of the maintenance.
  4. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 3170 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. In the Value Total field enter 3170 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  6. Observe that value 3200 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. Change this value to 3800 which is equivalent to the 1520 LDG interval that will be entered later (19 times the initial interval).
  7. In the Calendar Interval field use the List of Values to select value 150 d. Observe that Calendar Unit is automatically populated.
  8. Save the record (F12).
  9. Find Oper Param LDG in the lower table of the window.
  10. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 1517 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  11. In the Value Total field enter 1517 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  12. Ensure that value 1520 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field.
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
A3 1600 LDG August 16th 2004 August 16th 2004 August 17th 2004 Interval
A3 1680 LDG December 14th 2004 December 14th 2004 December 15th 2004 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Primary Operational Parameter Interval - Tolerances Defined

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
B 200 FHR - - 200 - - Inspection No Cycle 10% -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
April 8th 2004 3175 FHR
  1. Find the record with Maint Code B.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 3175 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field enter 3175 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. Observe that the value -25 is automatically populated in the Correction Value field. The reason for this is that tolerances are defined, and the maintenance is performed outside the tolerances (20 FHR). This value will ensure that the next occurrence of this maintenance code is due 25 FHR earlier.
  6. Ensure that value 3200 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. This value "tells" the application where in the maintenance plan the serial is currently located, and will be the basis for the value of the next maintenance.
  7. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B 3375 FHR August 31st 2004 August 31st 2004 September 1st 2004 Interval
B 3575 FHR December 29th 2004 December 29th 2004 December 30th 2004 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Secondary Operational Parameter Interval - Tolerances Defined

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
B1 160 LDG - - 160 - - Inspection No Cycle 10% -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
January 5th 2004 1420 LDG

2950 FHR

  1. Find the record with Maint Code B1.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. This maintenance code has it's interval defined in a secondary operational parameter, but since the serial also have a value for the primary operational parameter at the time of the maintenance, this must be entered.
  4. In the Value at Maintenance (for operational parameter FHR) field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 2950.
  5. In the Value Total field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 2950.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Find Oper Param LDG in the lower table of the window.
  8. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 1420 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  9. In the Value Total field enter 1420 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  10. Ensure that value 1440 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. This value "tells" the application where in the maintenance plan the serial is currently located, and will be the basis for the value of the next maintenance.
  11. Observe that the value -20 is automatically populated in the Correction Value field. The reason for this is that tolerances are defined, and the maintenance is performed outside the tolerances (16 LDG). This value will ensure that the next occurrence of this maintenance code is due 20 LDG earlier.
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B1 1580 LDG July 17th 2004 July 17th 2004 July 18th 2004 Interval
B1 1740 LDG March 14th 2005 March 14th 2005 March 15th 2005 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Calendar Interval - Tolerances Defined

Maintenance Code Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Calculation Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calendar Interval - Adjust if done early Calendar Interval - Adjust if done late Calculation Rule Cycle
B2 150 Days Yes 150 Days No Yes Inspection No Cycle
B3 150 Days Yes 150 Days Yes Yes Inspection No Cycle
B4 150 Days Yes 150 Days No No Inspection No Cycle
B5 150 Days Yes 150 Days Yes No Inspection No Cycle
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
February 1st 2004 3000 FHR

Combination 1 - How to enter performed interval maintenance for maintenance plans that have the Cal Int. - Adjust if done Late check box selected:

  1. Locate the record with Maint Code B2.
  2. In the Maint Date field, enter the maintenance date.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. In the Calendar Correction field, enter -10. Note that this value should always be a negative value since the maintenance has been done late.
  6. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B2 3255 FHR June 20th 2004 June 20th 2004 June 21sr 2004 Calendar
B2 3505 FHR November 17th 2004 November 17th 2004 November 18th 2004 Calendar

Combination 2 - How to enter performed interval maintenance for maintenance plans that have both the Cal Int. - Adjust if done Early and Cal Int. - Adjust if done Late check boxes selected:

  1. Locate the record with Maint Code B3.
  2. In the Maint Date field, enter the maintenance date.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. In the Calendar Correction field, enter 10 and/or -10.
  6. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B3 3282 FHR July 7th 2004 July 7th 2004 July 8th 2004 Calendar
B3 3532 FHR December 7th 2004 December 7th 2004 December 8th 2004 Calendar
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B3 3255 FHR June 20th 2004 June 20th 2004 June 21st 2004 Calendar
B3 3505 FHR November 17th 2004 November 17th 2004 November 18th 2004 Calendar

Combination 3 - How to enter performed interval maintenance for maintenance plans that do not have the Cal Int. - Adjust if done Early and Cal Int. - Adjust if done Late check boxes selected:

  1. Locate the record with Maint Code B4.
  2. In the Maint Date field, enter the maintenance date.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. Note that you cannot enter a value in the Calendar Correction field since settings for tolerances (i.e., adjustments when maintenance is performed early or late) has not been defined on the maintenance plan.
  6. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B4 3271 FHR June 30th 2004 June 30th 2004 July 1st 2004 Calendar
B4 3521 FHR November 17th 2004 November 17th 2004 November 18th 2004 Calendar

Combination 4 - How to enter performed interval maintenance for maintenance plans that have the Cal Int. - Adjust if done Early check box selected:

  1. Next, locate the record with Maint Code B5.
  2. In the Maint Date field, enter the maintenance date.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field, enter 3000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. In the Calendar Correction field, enter 10. Note that this value should always be a positive value since the maintenance has been done early.
  6. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B5 3282 FHR July 7th 2004 July 7th 2004 July 8th 2004 Calendar
B5 3532 FHR December 7th 2004 December 7th 2004 December 8th 2004 Calendar

Case: Enter Values for Recurring Combined Operational Parameter and Calendar Interval - Tolerances Defined

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
B6 200 FHR 150 Days 200 150 Days Inspection No Cycle 10% -
  80 LDG - - 80 - - - - - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Date Value
March 25th 2004 3152 FHR

1502 LDG

  1. Find the record with Maint Code B6.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. This maintenance code has it's intervals defined in multiple parameters (including calendar time) which means that a value has to be entered for all the intervals using the nominal value. In this particular case it was the LDG interval that triggered the execution of the maintenance.
  4. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 3152 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. In the Value Total field enter 3152 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  6. Observe that value 3200 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. Change this value to 3800 which is equivalent to the 1520 LDG interval that will be entered later (19 times the initial interval).
  7. Enter value -648 in the Correction Value field. The reason for this is that tolerances are defined, and the maintenance is performed outside the tolerances (20 FHR).
  8. In the Calendar Interval field use the List of Values to select value 150 d. Observe that Calendar Unit is automatically populated.
  9. Save the record (F12).
  10. Find Oper Param LDG in the lower table of the window.
  11. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 1502 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  12. In the Value Total field enter 1502 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  13. Ensure that value 1520 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field.
  14. Observe that the value -18 is automatically populated in the Correction Value field. The reason for this is that tolerances are defined, and the maintenance is performed outside the tolerances (8 LDG). This value will ensure that the next occurrence of this maintenance code is due 18 LDG earlier.
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
B6 1582 LDG July 20th 2004 July 20th 2004 July 21st 2004 Interval
B6 1662 LDG November 17th 2004 November 17th 2004 November 18th 2004 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Non-recurring Primary Operational Parameter Interval

In this case the use of an overhaul (with cycle) is used. The reason for this is that non-recurring maintenance will only be executed once if not combined with an overhaul in the maintenance plan. Entering values for performed interval maintenance, with or without an overhaul, is exactly the same with the exception that without an overhaul there will not be any due dates calculated.

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
C 1000 FHR - - - - - Inspection No Cycle - -
OH 4000 FHR - - - - - Overhaul Cycle - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Maintenance Code Maintenance Date Value Comment
C June 1st 1999 1000 FHR  
OH January 1st 1998 0 FHR This maintenance has never been performed. A starting point must be set.
  1. Find the record with Maint Code C.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 1000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field enter 1000 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. Ensure that value 1000 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. This value tells the application where in the maintenance plan the serial is currently located, and will be the basis for the value of the next maintenance.
  6. Find the record with Maint Code OH.
  7. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  8. In the Value Total field enter 0.
  9. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
OH 4000 FHR September 10th 2005 September 10th 2005 September 11th 2005 Interval
C 1000 FHR May 3rd 2007 May 3rd 2007 May 4th 2007 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Non-recurring Secondary Operational Parameter Interval

In this case the use of an overhaul (with cycle) is used. The reason for this is that non-recurring maintenance will only be executed once if not combined with an overhaul in the maintenance plan. Entering values for performed interval maintenance, with or without an overhaul, is exactly the same with the exception that without an overhaul there will not be any due dates calculated.

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
C2 500 LDG - - - - - Inspection No Cycle - -
OH 4000 FHR - - - - - Overhaul Cycle - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Maintenance Code Maintenance Date Value Comment
C2 June 1st 2000 500 LDG

1200 FHR

OH January 1st 1998 0 FHR This maintenance has never been performed. A starting point must be set.
  1. Find the record with Maint Code C2.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. This maintenance code has it's interval defined in a secondary operational parameter, but since the serial also have a value for the primary operational parameter at the time of the maintenance, this must be entered.
  4. In the Value at Maintenance (for operational parameter FHR) field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 1200.
  5. In the Value Total field enter the actual value at the time the maintenance was performed, for instance 1200.
  6. Save the record (F12).
  7. Find Oper Param LDG in the lower table of the window.
  8. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 500 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  9. In the Value Total field enter 500 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  10. Ensure that value 500 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. This value "tells" the application where in the maintenance plan the serial is currently located, and will be the basis for the value of the next maintenance.
  11. Save the record (F12).
  12. Find the record with Maint Code OH.
  13. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  14. In the Value Total field enter 0.
  15. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
OH 4000 FHR September 10th 2005 September 10th 2005 September 11th 2005 Interval
C2 500 LDG September 10th 2007 September 10th 2007 September 11th 2007 Interval

Case: Enter Values for Non-recurring Calendar Interval

In this case the use of an overhaul (with cycle) is used. The reason for this is that non-recurring maintenance will only be executed once if not combined with an overhaul in the maintenance plan. Entering values for performed interval maintenance, with or without an overhaul, is exactly the same with the exception that without an overhaul there will not be any due dates calculated.

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
C3 - - 1000 Days - - - Inspection No Cycle - -
OH 4000 FHR - -   - - Overhaul Cycle - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Maintenance Code Maintenance Date Value Comment
C3 September 27th 2000 1300 FHR  
OH January 1st 1998 0 FHR This maintenance has never been performed. A starting point must be set.
  1. Find the record with Maint Code C3.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 1300 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  4. In the Value Total field enter 1300 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. In the Calendar Interval field use the List of Values to select value 1000 d. Observe that Calendar Unit is automatically populated.
  6. Find the record with Maint Code OH.
  7. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  8. In the Value Total field enter 0.
  9. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
OH 4000 FHR September 10th 2005 September 10th 2005 September 11th 2005 Interval
C3 1667 (approx.) FHR June 6th 2008 June 6th 2008 June 7th 2008 Calendar

Case: Enter Values for Non-recurring Combined Operational Parameter and Calendar Interval

In this case the use of an overhaul (with cycle) is used. The reason for this is that non-recurring maintenance will only be executed once if not combined with an overhaul in the maintenance plan. Entering values for performed interval maintenance, with or without an overhaul, is exactly the same with the exception that without an overhaul there will not be any due dates calculated.

Maintenance Code Maintenance Interval Operational Parameter Calendar Interval Calendar Unit Recurring Interval Recurring Calendar Interval Recurring Calendar Unit Calculation Rule Cycle Lower Tolerance Upper Tolerance
C4 2000 FHR 30 Months - - - Inspection No Cycle - -
  900 LDG - -   - - - - - -
OH 4000 FHR - - - - - Overhaul Cycle - -
Operational Parameter Last To Date Value After Overhaul Value Total
FHR May 1st 2004 3250 3250
LDG May 1st 2004 1560 1560
Maintenance Code Maintenance Date Value Comment
C4 June 19th 2000 1230 FHR

507 LDG

OH January 1st 1998 0 FHR This maintenance has never been performed. A starting point must be set.
  1. Find the record with Maint Code C4.
  2. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  3. This maintenance code has it's intervals defined in multiple parameters (including calendar time) which means that a value has to be entered for all the intervals using the nominal value. In this particular case it was the LDG interval that triggered the execution of the maintenance.
  4. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 1230 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  5. In the Value Total field enter 1230 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  6. Observe that value 2000 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field. This value "tells" the application where in the maintenance plan the serial is currently located, and will be the basis for the value of the next maintenance.
  7. In the Calendar Interval field use the List of Values to select value 30 months. Observe that Calendar Unit is automatically populated.
  8. Save the record (F12).
  9. Find Oper Param LDG in the lower table of the window.
  10. In the Value at Maintenance field enter 507 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  11. In the Value Total field enter 507 (which is the value when the maintenance was performed).
  12. Ensure that value 900 is automatically populated in the Maint Interval field.
  13. Save the record (F12).
  14. Find the record with Maint Code OH.
  15. Enter the maintenance date into the Maint Date field.
  16. In the Value Total field enter 0.
  17. Save the record (F12).
Maintenance Code Planned Value Operational Parameter Due Date Planned Date From Planned Date To Calculation Type
OH 4000 FHR September 10th 2005 September 10th 2005 September 11th 2005 Interval
C4 1500 (approx.) FHR February 27th 2008 February 27th 2008 February 28th 2008 Calendar