Identify Maintenance Opportunity and Scope


This activity is used to identify maintenance opportunity and scope for a vehicle. Maintenance opportunity refers to an opportunity window for maintenance, while scope refers to the capacity of work that is to be done as part of a maintenance opportunity.

A maintenance opportunity can arise due to an unscheduled stoppage or it can be planned in advance. Once you have determined the duration, e.g., of the breakdown or planned opportunity, you need to determine what should be done. For this, the list of pending maintenance events should be examined to identify events that meet the opportunity window and which need to be prioritized. Mandatory modifications and critical faults are typical examples of events that should be prioritized. Other factors to consider will be the resource capacity for the duration and material availability. For instance, if the resource demand is more than available capacity, you will need to decide if the scope should be adjusted or external services utilized. Once the scope is defined, a work order(s) can be generated for the workshop at which the maintenance will be carried out.

As a basis for decisions concerning scope definition, query windows and reports can be used to summarize:


Pending maintenance events must exist.

System Effects

Maintenance opportunity and scope have been identified. Pending events are prioritized, and as a result, a work order(s) can be created.


Pending Maintenance Events
Maintenance Event
Maintenance Order
Serial Maintenance
Due Information per Maintenance Event

Pending, Planned and Running Maintenance Activities

Related Window Descriptions

Pending Maintenance Events
Maintenance Event Distribution
Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Assign Events
Maintenance Order/Assign Events/Pending Events
Serial Maintenance
Due Information per Maintenance Event
Pending, Planned and Running Maintenance Activities
Total Usage per Serial
Overdue Modifications


Maintenance opportunity and scope can be identified from the Maintenance Event Distribution window, the Serial Maintenance window, the Due Information per Maintenance Event window and the Maintenance Order/Assign Events/Pending Events tab. The following procedure is performed within the Maintenance Event Distribution window, although the procedure begins from the Pending Maintenance Events window. 

  1. Open the Pending Maintenance Events window. 
  2. Query (F3) for the pending events and select the serial for which you will identify maintenance opportunity and scope.
  3. Right-click and click Maintenance Event Distribution to open the Maintenance Event Distribution window.
  4. Prioritize the pending events. Consider which event should be performed first and how much time you have to perform the maintenance. Right-click an event and select any of the available options to view details for that event.
  5. Once your events are prioritized, you can create a work order.