Enter Misc Part Info


This activity is used to enter various optional information about the part.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Package Part

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Package Part
Sales Part/Misc Part Info
Non-Inventory Sales Part/Misc Part Info
Package Part/Misc Part Info


  1. Open the appropriate window. Either populate or query for the desired sales part.
  2. Click the Misc Part Info tab.
  3. Enter the agreed close tolerance in the Closing Tolerance field. The closing tolerance defines the minimum percentage that must be delivered before a delivery will be considered as completed. If the part, for instance, must be delivered to at least 90% before it may be considered to be delivered in full, you should enter 10 in the field.
  4. By selecting the Create SM Object check box, you indicate that a Service Management object should be created when the delivery is effected. (Note: This is not applicable for non-inventory sales parts or package parts.)
  5. Customer Warranty check box is selected if a customer warranty is connected to the part. You can create, edit or view the customer warranty by right-clicking and then clicking Customer Warranty. (Note: This is not applicable for package parts.)
  6. Enter the relevant sales type: Sales Only if the part can only be sold, Rental Only if the part can only be rented out, Sales and Rental if the part can be both sold and rented. (Note: This is only applicable for sales parts and non-inventory sales parts.)
  7. In the Replacement Part No. field, you can enter the sales part number of any part that should replace the current one. The description of the replacement part will be retrieved into the Description field. This information can be updated manually.
  8. In the Date of Replacement field, enter the date when the current part will be superseded by the replacement part.