Enter Agreement Header and General Terms


This activity is used to enter information on the agreement header and general information for the customer agreement. Customer agreements are used to define price and discount agreements with specific customers.

Only active agreements will be used with customer orders.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

This activity has the following system effects:


Customer Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Agreement


  1. Open the Customer Agreement window, and select New.
  2. Using no more than 10 alphanumeric characters, enter the agreement ID in the Agreement ID field. If the field is left blank, the system will assign an ID.
  3. Enter an appropriate description for the customer agreement.
  4. In the Customer No. field, enter the short code or use the List of Values to select the customer number. The customer name will be displayed in the Customer Description field.
  5. In the Coordinator field, enter the short code, or use the List of Values to select a coordinator.
  6. Verify the currency code in the Currency field. Use the List of Values to select another currency code, if appropriate.
  7. If the customer agreement is defined for an assortment, specify the assortment.
  8. Save the information and the status will be changed to Planned.
  9. In the General tab, enter supplementary information on the customer agreement, if appropriate.
  10. If the Exclude from Auto-pricing check box is not selected for the agreement, the prices, when creating the customer order, will be taken automatically from that agreement. If it is selected the agreement will be excluded from auto-pricing.
  11. If the Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected, it is possible to enter a value in the Sales Price Incl Tax field as well. The sales price values are calculated with the tax code used for the sales part.
  12. If the Consider by Quotation/Order Header check box is selected, the specified customer agreement will be retrieved by sales quotation/customer order header. If this check box is cleared, the specified customer agreement will not be retrieved by sales quotation/customer order header.

Note: It is recommended that a specific part should be only on one automatic price fetching agreement per customer.

  1. Select the Rebate Builder check box if rebate transactions should be created at the time of invoicing, when prices are taken from this customer agreement.
  2. Select the Use Price Break Templates check box if the price break template on the sales part base price should be considered on this agreement.
  3. Save the information.