Enter Freight Price List Header


This activity is used to create a site delivery freight price list. A site delivery freight price list is created for a specific ship-via code or a transport method and the freight charges are specified for different freight zones.

It is indicated in the freight price list header if the the freight charges should be calculated based on the volume or the weight.

There can be only one active freight price list for a valid site, ship via code and forwarder combination.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects


Freight Price List
Direct Delivery Freight Price List

Related Window Descriptions

Freight Price List
Direct Delivery Freight Price List


  1. Open the Freight Price List window and click New.
  2. Enter an appropriate short code as a freight price list number and enter an appropriate description.
  3. Select the required ship-via code form the List of Values and the freight map ID connected to the shop-via code will be displayed.
  4. Enter a value in the Forwarder ID field. If  you do not enter a value here, then the * will be taken as the default value.
  5. Select the required charge type from the List of Values.
  6. Select if the freight calculation should be based on weight or volume by selecting the appropriate option for the Freight Basis.
  7. Save, when completed.