View Quotation Details
Use this activity when you want to view detailed information about a quotation. You can see general information for the quotation in the General group,
delivery information in the Delivery group, information about requested products in the Products group, and amount information in the Amount group.
This activity is intended for a B2B user acting as a B2B Customer.
- This activity is only applicable in IFS Aurena B2B.
- In the Customer/General tab, the B2B check box must be selected for the appropriate customer.
- Only quotations connected to the user’s default customer, set up in B2B User – Customer window,
are presented.
System Effects
Related Window Descriptions
- In IFS Aurena B2B navigate to Lobby Page: Order Management for
- Page for this activity is accessible from many places. This is only one example:
select the Lobby Link:
Open from Lobby Element: Quotations.
- Open Quotations page opens. Select your desire quotation.
- Click on Details button.
- Quotation Details page will be opened. You can review detailed information about the quotation.
In Products group if you select a line and click on Details button on top of the list,
Quotation Line Details dialog box will be displayed to show information about the selected line.
- Some labels have connected cards to provide more information, for example:
Document Address, Delivery Address, Delivery Information, Net Amount, and Gross Amount. To access the card,
click on the label’s link.
- As a common rule, navigation to Quotation Details page is possible from
pages containing lists with quotations for example: Expired Quotations.