Alter Milestone


Progress, start date, lead time, date expected, origin date expected, or date finished may change for a milestone. If this is the case, it is possible to update the milestone. It is also possible to remove a milestone.

The status on an entered milestone line is always Released. When the milestone is reported as finished, the status is changed to Closed. You can reopen a closed milestone by using the Operations menu. It is also possible to close a milestone that is in status Released, without entering a date finished, by using the Operations menu.

You also can remove a specific milestone by marking the line in question and then by clicking on the Remove button in the tool bar. If you have specified a step sequence, you have the option of removing a specific step and any following steps by using the Delete Tree in the Operations menu.


System Effects

A milestone is either updated, closed, reopened, or removed.

If you reopen a closed milestone in which a date finished is entered, the status for the line is changed to Released and the date finished is removed.


Customer Order
Customer Order Lines
Customer Order Line Milestones

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Customer Order/Order Lines
Customer Order Lines
Milestones for Customer Order Line
Customer Order Line Milestones
Milestone Template for Customer Order Line


Reopen a closed milestone:

  1. From Customer Order/Order Lines, Customer Order Lines, choose Milestone... from the Operations menu. You also can reach the correct line directly from Customer Order Line Milestones, by using the Query or Populate function.
  2. Select the proper line and choose Release in the Operations menu.

Close a milestone without entering a date finished:

  1. From Customer Order/Order Lines, Customer Order Lines, choose Milestone... from the Operations menu. You also can reach the correct line directly from Customer Order Line Milestones, by using the Query or Populate function.
  2. Select the proper line and choose Close in the Operations menu.

Update a milestone line:

  1. From Customer Order/Order Lines, Customer Order Lines, choose Milestone... from the Operations menu. You also can reach the correct line directly from Customer Order Line Milestones, by using the Query or Populate function.
  2. Change progress, start date, lead time, date expected, origin date expected, or date finished on a milestone line. If the start date is changed, the expected date finished is recalculated according to the lead time. Or if the lead time is changed, the expected date finished is recalculated according to the new lead time.
  3. Save the updated milestone line.

Remove a specific milestone line:

  1. From Customer Order/Order Lines, Customer Order Lines, choose Milestone... from the Operations menu. You also can reach the correct line directly from Customer Order Line Milestones, by using the Query or Populate function.
  2. Activate the proper milestone line.
  3. Click on the Remove button in the tool bar.
  4. Save the modified line and the milestone will be removed.

Remove a step sequence:

  1. From Customer Order/Order Lines, Customer Order Lines, choose Milestone... from the Operations menu. You also can reach the correct line directly from Customer Order Line Milestones, by using the Query or Populate function.
  2. Activate the proper milestone line.
  3. Select Delete Tree in the Operations menu.