Manually Blocking the Customer Order

When a customer order is manually blocked the system places the customer order on-hold and the order is taken out of the processing cycle. When released from block, you return it to the order processing cycle i.e., this would put the customer order to the state it was before putting to on-hold. The Manually Block Order right mouse button option will be grayed out when the customer order is in status Cancelled, Delivered, Invoiced/Closed and Blocked (i.e., automated blocked status). Customer orders can be blocked even in the Planned state.

Basic data for block reasons can be defined in the Sales Basic Data/ Block Order Reasons tab. The blocking reason can be used optionally when a customer order is blocked. If the Exclude from Mtrl Planning check box is selected for a specified block reason which is used to block the customer order, it will clear the Release for Mtrl Planning check box in all customer order lines. Clearing the Release for Mtrl Planning check box will disregard the customer order from planning. When you release the order from blocking then the Release for Mtrl Planning check box will be selected again.

It is possible to perform credit check for manually block orders. User will be informed about the credit status.

Return material authorizations can be created for manually blocked orders.

A customer that is blocked cannot be further processed in the customer order flow, but in credit block functionality it is allowed to create an invoice for anything that is ready for invoicing.

For the inter-site order flow, if the user put an order on-hold from the demand site and a supply site order exists, the internal customer order will be blocked. If the supply site order is in a status that does not allow blocking, the system returns a message to inform the user and will still allow to block the demand site order. If the user blocks the supply site order, the system will not block the demand site order. When receiving a pegged supply through a purchase order, shop order or DOP order, the customer order will be automatically reserved also when status is Blocked. To proceed, the customer order must be handled in the Handle Blocked Customer Orders window where the option Release Blocked Order exist. The order can be blocked again later if required.