Complementary Parts

The purpose of complementary parts is to create links between parts that could be logically used together, in order to help you increase sales. When you receive an order for one part, linked complimentary parts can be automatically viewed and suggested to the customer to include on the order. For example, if your main product is paint, then complimentary products, such as paint brushes and paint thinner, could be suggested to the customer.

Basic data must be entered connecting the parent parts to the parts that will be suggested when the parent part is entered on the order line. Parent parts are connected to complementary parts in Complementary Parts Base Data, which can be reached via the Operations menu from the Sales Part window, or from the Navigator. These are parts that should be offered to the customer when selling the first part, e.g., if you sell wallpaper, try to also sell some glue and a brush.

When a customer order line for a parent part is saved, the Complimentary Parts window will automatically appear, listing the parts to offer. The quantity (default zero), sales part ID, and description are displayed. You can then update the quantity to the desired quantity and click OK to automatically create the additional order lines. If you do not change the quantity, no additional lines will be created on the customer order.

If the customer is set up to use the limit sales by assortments functionality, only complementary parts connected to the limited assortments will be shown as complementary parts. If there are no complementary parts connected to limited assortments, the complementary parts dialog will not be shown.

To turn the complementary parts functionality on and off, in the Customer Order/Order Lines tab, right-click, then click Properties. Click the Customer Order tab, then select or clear the Complementary Parts check box.